Wednesday, 23 September 2009


Quick silence-bursting update before I embark on the school run.

* * *

Message begins.

New improved TL going well. Stop.

Act I plotted. Stop.

Three act major reversals erected. Stop.

Big act II hole needs caulking. Stop.

Putting an hour in each evening. Stop.

Here's a page from my notebook: Familiarising myself with Vierry the moustachioed robot (moustache was my son's idea) and with the 'angels of death'. Sketches and unresolved notions and similes. Stop.

Hoping this message finds you in good health. Stop.

Message ends.

* * *

Tuesday, 8 September 2009


Like a lot (a lot a lot a lot!) of people, I'm quivering with anticipation!
Tomorrow - 09/09/09 - Derren will be predicting the lottery numbers live!
Rather, he will be performing a feat of misdirection!
Apparently, Derren has been banned from purchasing a lottery ticket.
And William Hill have stated that they will not be taking bets on Derren correctly predicting the numbers.

So, given that Derren does not have the power of foresight (you really wouldn't expect to need to point this out right?), here's my prediction:
We're actually all taking part in an experiment*. (And a jolly exciting one too!)

Take a look at what's happening! The rumor mill has never milled so hard: the internet is positively smouldering with speculation.
If you fancy getting stuck in, check out the comments over on Derren's blog: All Your Minds Are Belong To Us.
He's also blogged recently about rumours and gullibility.
Derren's second special is titled How to Control the Nation, in which he will be investigating the world of subliminals and inviting us all to take part in an experiment*.
And sticking us to our sofas.

Zero Wing.

Google came forward to explain their ufo doodle. They claim to be paying homage to the 20th anniversary of the infamous Japanese game Zero Wing. The translations from Japanese to English were wonderfully mismanaged, and the world was gifted with the legendary t-shirt slogan: All Your Base Are Belong To Us!

Hey, if I wanted to control a nation, I'd certainly want Google on my side!

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Hoax Funeral

Today I met a lovely lady named Anjy Hall.
She sings and strums with a band called Hoax Funeral. They remind me a little of Husky Rescue (one of my fave bands!) and also Hope Sandoval. I think you might enjoy her music. It's there on Spotify, and also on their myspace page.

Anjy also writes a bit and, if you have five minutes to spare, you could have a read over her stuff. She has a wonderful tone which is evident in both her writing and her music. Check out the unexpected sensory stimulae, and all those adjectives - textural and vivid! I feel a kinda desperate optimism in there, not dissimilar to Holden Caulfield's worldview. It's a curious duality - the kind I attempt with word palettes - where the verdant surface meaning belies something barren.

Anyhoo, Oliver Stone's World Trade Center was awful. I'm gonna go to bed and listen to Beethoven's Piano Concerto number 5. Sleep well world.

P.S. I'll leave you with some of the genuine comments posted about today's mysterious google ufo ...

I think is time for the world to wake up.. we are approching a major date in 2012,, we are awakening.. and google people know the truth of ufos, they have google earth and they have seen them. I think we all need to stop joking about the subject, and think that maybe just maybe the government is working with google to little by little give FULL DISCLOSURE

Greetings, this doodle on google is very interesting. A alein spaceship huvering over the 'O' in google. It is also levitating it. Im sure many is curiouse about this spaceship. Dont worry, Im sure there will be no aleins to come and destroy our planet. But I have one observation, why dose everyone asume aleins will attack us? They might not. They might just be curiose as we are of them. And everyone thinks that aleins are high teck. As in, they are smarter then humans and have spaceships that can levitate. What if on theyre planet all they have is old crapy, vokeswagons and tvs have intenas? mabey google can just stop creeping us out with the alein doodle. Like i can ownestly say, Im a little creeped out in case today it was very windy and the power almost went out.

this is kinda weird last night had a dream about aliens coming to earth then then i get up get on google to check my facebook and i see the UFO i click on the image and it leads me to the search of unexplained phenomenon i only remember hearing one thing in the dream it was " No its the ugly one" so im wondering if they have relation or not ive been looking at vids all day about this stuff. and this is the first time i have ever dreamed about aliens. im not liying i would not have written this if i was. if you have any thoughts email me


Stress granule art.

I got to thinking about methods of impregnating the reader.
With information, I mean.
Data sperm if you will.
My question, I think, is this: Does the reader retain information better when under duress or when relaxed?
But I suspect that it's not simply a case of retention, as we might discover anon ...

I've been practising my 'mind reading' skills on everyone. (For 'mind reading' read 'subliminal impressioning'.)
I suppose the results were probably as expected: the technique works well on some people - those who I would deem to be receptive - and not on others - the unreceptive folks.
Still, it's quite a pleasure to plant images into someone's head and then amaze them with your prediction.

Now much of the technique involves focusing the subject's attention somewhere, and doing stuff with your hands and also with hidden meanings and repetition in the words. As such, it won't work especially well here, but try it out anyhoo ...

I'd like you first to imagine a blank canvas and fix it in your mind. When you're ready, I'd like you to imagine two simple shapes - like a square, but think of your own two. Now, place one of those shapes inside the other. Fix the image in your mind. Now give each of the shapes a colour. Again, fix the image and make the image bright and bold in your mind ...
And, with luck, you will have thought of a circle and a triangle, and the colours red and green.

What I've discovered is that this needs to be delivered at a precise pace, which is perhaps difficult to achieve with the written word. Too slowly and the subject might take the opportunity to move from the desired first impression to something more inventive, which is bad. Conversely, too quickly and the subject hasn't the opportunity to retrieve the first impression. Often, I have the subject imagining the triangle and the circle, but don't give them time enough to conjure the colours. Also, unless the subject is focused on me and what I am saying and doing with my little Dennis Hopper-esque handies, they will invent something far too imaginative and cling to it with all their might.
N.B. And if you love to take a beating, free your mind and picture that blank canvas again. Focus on it. Allow a playing card to appear. Bring the colours to clarity, bright and bold. See it there! Imagine the dots down the middle. Fix it upon the canvas as vividly as you can.
Watching Hancock the other week, I was aware of the stressful nature of the scene in which Hancock throws a boy into the sky. For as long as that boy is airborne, the scene is positively charged with tension. Only when Hancock safely caught the boy was I able to breathe again. However, during that time, I was utterly unable to process any other information: I was simply concerned about this boy's welfare. Three of hearts?
Then I got to thinking of other stressful scenes/instances. I can think of several 'up in the air/gravity' scenes. Then there's the smoke alarm going off in Rain Man. How uncomfortable is that scene? Only when Raymond's brother comes in to silence the alarm can we relax again. Telephones ringing! Gosh, whenever the banker phones and Noel is chatting away with the contestant, I'm telepathically willing him to answer the phone. I guess babies bawling on the bus have the same effect. People knocking on a door too. And neglected baths/sinks filling with water.
When our attention is captured within a stressful moment, I don't think we can consciously deal with other stuff. So when I was jesting about the Raiders inciting incident being delivered during the boulder chase, I guess I was making this very observation.

So then these stressfully charged moments become bad places to impart important information?

Well I wonder. Perhaps they are, in fact, brilliant places to access the subconscious, rather than the conscious, mind? After all, when I endeavour to plant an image into a subject's subconscious mind, I must first occupy their conscious mind. Tie one up, and the other is receptive, it would seem; befuddle the conscious, open the subconscious.

Why would we want to do that then?

My son and I have been playing quite a bit of Big Brain Academy together lately. It's startling how agile the mind can become when put under the pressure of a human opponent. In a flash, we are both utterly immersed in the game - in the contest. Note that this 'stress' is created in single play by the timer. The countdown. Yikes!

We also made this collage from old tv guides.

A better example might be sudoku. I don't find the opportunity to engage in sudoku much these days, but during my sudoku-playing days I would set myself a strict four minute time limit. Without the time limit - without the stress factor - I might idle and pontificate. But when that timer is ticking, you're suddenly on a kind of autopilot, charging through the columns and rows at breakneck speed.
Let's not forget, too, that if we really want to connect with the reader's emotional core, we need to go in deep! (Beneath the seven veils!)

I'm resisting the urge to mention the Incredible Hulk. Darn. Yep, the pilot episode, if memory serves, showed Dr Banner, pre-transformation, studying the extra reserves of human capacities when under duress. I think there was a woman whose child was trapped under a burning car or something, and yet she found the strength to physically lift the car and save the child. Come to think of it, I've always assumed that was based on actual events. Hmm. Regardless, we can easily see the extra something that we are capable of under duress.

I suppose we're looking at two distinct types of information then, and their different modes of delivery. I'd say that stressful scenes are bad places to deliver need-to-know/need-to-process information. However, once the tension has been released, the conscious mind is receptive to that information.
Conversely, if we want to secrete clandestine things into the unconscious mind - perhaps little clues or foreshadowing devices that make a reveal intensely satisfying - then throw something into the air or set off an alarm and whack it in there! Or, at least, engage the conscious mind somehow!

And to answer my question: Does the reader retain information better when under duress or when relaxed?
I think the reader retains the information in different ways/places.

I'll return to this probably.

P.S. Rest in peace Smudge. We'll miss you. x